An extraordinary employee

This year, we’ve had the pleasure to have one of our employees cross the very respectable 30-years threshold.
A big thanks to Josée Boulay!
Over the years, she went from the position
of Receptionist all the way to
that of Administrative Director.
Here is a text from Josée
on her years at Collection-Souvenir :
Autumn 1988 : My story at Photo-Presto/Collection-Souvenir started on September 5, 1988 as a Receptionist… we all have to start somewhere! I worked under the guidance of MM. Gaston Duchesne and Denys Gauthier and Mrs. Aurore Brassard, the co-owners.
Spring 1995: As patience is one of my numerous qualities (hehe), the next opportunity came in 1995 when I won the position of Accounting Clerk. The person who occupied the position previously had left for a well-deserved retirement.
Winter 1997: In 1997, our Accountant at the time was also leaving us, this time to go into business. M. Gaston Duchesne put his faith in me and entrusted me with the Accounting Department. It was an interesting challenge and I readily accepted. After that, my story continued with his son M. Sylvain Duchesne, who took the reins of the company.
Summer 2018: Since then, my role in the company has grown and, before I knew it, I had accumulated 30 years of loyal service. I wish to thank my friends and colleagues Ms. Maude Chouinard and Mr. Denys Gauthier, who have always believed in me, who have seen me grow as a person and with whom I have spent many seasons since my beginnings!!!